There's Still Room For More...

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I've been hearing the same question over and over again: "Why did Apple give the Nano a video camera and not the Touch?" I think the answer's simple. It's to make sure that the world's best selling mp3 player stays around for just a bit longer. If you really look at it Apple has crammed everything that they can into the little guy. A pedometer, FM radio with live pause, a mic and speaker, accelerometer, voice over and a video camera. At this point, what more could they add?

The iPod Touch is a different story, there's still room for more. Everybody just has to remember that Apple is a company and they want to make this touch screen phenomena stay successful for as long as possible and adding a camera in this generation would have just made it that much harder to top themselves. But, pictures have already been released so we definitely don't have long to wait for the next refresh.


Tyler September 13, 2009 at 11:59 PM  

I see a January Keynote coming lol

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