A Klutz's Necessity!

Monday, August 24, 2009

As soon as my mom told me that we were going to be getting me my MacBook Pro, I knew that I would need protection. Because I'm the type of person that drops everything, I already knew that I would need a case that protected every part of the MacBook. So, I did a little research and I found the Incase 13" Neoprene Sleeve. As soon as I saw it I fell in love. The rich black color, the simplistic design, and from what I saw that other people had said, the great quality ("it's built very nicely", "durable, and is extremely stylish", "finely crafted", "I think it is one of the most well made cases out there", "well constructed case", "I would highly recommend this case").

When I went to the store to buy the case it had everything that I saw on the website and even more. There was a lip that went around the whole interior of the case, a white faux fur lining, and it had a thickness but also a thinness about it. All of these features worked hand in hand to give the MacBook "all around protection"...

The thickness of the case shielded the machine from short distance drops and other things falling onto the laptop. The thinness allowed the laptop and case together to be placed in virtually any bag that is made for a 13" (or more) laptop.The lip also provided protection from falls, as well as from the zipper when you are opening and closing it. The Neoprene material (the same material that wetsuits are made of) protected from small spills, allowed the case to keep it's form and fit like a glove, and keeps your laptop smelling brand new. That feature alone would appease anybody!

I have had this case for almost 2 weeks and have nothing bad to say which is why I'm giving it:
5 out of 5 stars


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